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Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Non-venomous and Venomous Snakes

Classification of Non-venomous and Venomous Snakes.

Non-Venomous Snakes:
1) Brahminy Worm Snake/Ramphotyphlops braminus
Its just 5 to 9 inches long, with feeding habits of ants, termites, worms and insects.
2) Beaked Worm Snake /Grypotyphlops acutus
It grows to about 2 feet in length, and feeds on earthworms and insects.
3) Phipson’s Shieldtail / Uropeltis phipsonii
Grows upto 11 inches, and feeds on earthworms, Figure on next page.
4) MahabaleshwarShieldtail/ Uropeltis macrolepis mahableshwarensis
Maximum length of 1 feet, feeds on earthworms.
5) Indian Rock Python / Python molurus molurus
Maximum length of 24 feet and feeds on small mammals like rats, bandicoots,  deer, monkey, dog, and jackal, figure on next page.
5) Reticulated Python / Python reticulates
Can grow  upto 32 feet, feeds mainly on mammals, birds and large lizards.
6) Burmese Python / Python molurus bivittatus
Maximum length of 19 feet and feeding habits of Rats, birds, deer, civet cats, jackals, Wild boar and bats, figure on next page.
7) Common Sand Boa / Gongylophis conicus
Length of 3 feet and food habits of lizards, frogs, calotes.
8) Earth Boa / Red Sand Boa/Eryx johnii
Maximum Length of 3 feet and feeds on rats and small mammals, lizards, geckos and small birds, figure on next page.
9) Trinket Snake / Coelognathus Helena Helena
Grows to a length of 5 feet and feeds on mice, rats, lizards, small birds and their eggs.
10) Montane Trinket Snake / Coelognathus Helena monticollaris
Grows to a length of 3 feet and feeds on rats, lizards, small birds and small mammals.
11)File Snake / Acrochordus granulates
Maximum length of 4 feet and feeds mainly on fishes.  Found mainly in water.
12) Indian Rat Snake / Ptyas mucosa
Grows upto 11 feet and feeds on toads, frogs , lizards, geckos, small birds, other snakes, squirrels and bats.
13) Banded Racer / Argyrogena fasciolata
Grows upto four and half feet and feeds mainly on rats.
14) Slender Racer, Gunther’s Racer / Coluber gracilis
Grows upto 3 feet and feeds on lizards, figure on next page.
15) Black-headed Royal Snake/ Spalerosophis atriceps
Maximum length of 6 feet and feeds on mice, garden lizards and small birds.
16) Banded Kukri Snake / Oligodon arnensis
Grows upto 2 feet 4 inches and feeds on eggs of other reptiles, lizards, mice, figure on next page.
17) Russell’s Kukri Snake / Oligodon taeniolatus
Maximum Length 2 feet and feeds on reptiles and amphibians
18) Bronzeback Tree Snake / Dendrelaphis tristis
Grows upto 6 feet  and feeds on frogs, lizards and birds.
19) Common Wolf Snake / Lycodon aulicus
Maximum length of 3 feet and feeds on geckos and frogs.
20) Barred Wolf Snake / Lycodon striatus
Grow to 2 feet and feeds on lizard and garden lizards.
21) Dumeril’s Black-headed Snake/ Sibynophis subpunctatus
Maximum length of one and half feet and feeds on geckos, and smaller snakes, figure on next page.
22) Checkered Keelback Water Snake / Xenochrophis piscator
Maximum length 6 feet and feeds on fish, frogs, toads.
23) Striped Keelback / Amphiesma stolatum
Grows to a length of 3 feet and feeds on frogs, toads, lizards.
24) Green Keelback , Grass Snake / Macropisthodon plumbicolor
Grows to a length of 3 feet and feeds on toads primarily.
25) Beddome’s Keelback / Amphiesma beddomei
Grows to a length of 2 feet and feeds on frogs, small fish and toads, figure on next page.
26) Olive Keelback / Atretium schistosum
Grows to a length of 3 feet and feeds on fish and frogs.

Classification of Semi-Venomous Snake:                                     
1) Glossy-bellied Racer/Coluber ventromaculatus
Grows to a length of 4 feet and feeds on lizards, garden lizards, mice, shrews and small bats.
2) Dog-faced Water Snake / Cerberus rynchops
Maximum length 4 feet and feeds on fish, frogs and small crabs.
3) Glossy Marsh Snake/ Gerarda prevostiana
Grows to a length of 2 feet and feeds on fish, shrimps, soft-shelled crabs and snails, figure on next page.
4) Ornate Flying Snake / Chrysopelea ornate
Grows to 6 feet in length and feeds on frogs, geckos, lizards, bats and small birds.
5) Common Indian Cat Snake, Indian Gamma Snake / Boiga trigonata
Grows upto 4 feet and feeds on frogs, geckos, lizards, small birds and mice, figure on next page.
6) Ceylon Cat Snake/ Boiga Ceylonensis
Grows to a length of 4 feet and feeds on forest lizards and small garden lizards
7) Beddome’s Cat Snake / Boiga beddomei
Grows upto 4 feet and feeds on lizards, garden lizards and small birds, figure on next page.
8) Forsten’s Cat Snake / Boiga forsteni
Grows upto 8 feet and feeds on small birds, mice, lizards, and rarely bats.
9) Condanarus Sand Snake / Psammophis condanarus
Maximum length of 4 feet and feeds on Garden Lizards, mice, frogs.
 10) Stout Sand Snake / Psammophis longifrons
Grows to a length of 4 feet and feeds on lizards.
 11) Leith’s Sand Snake / Psammophis leithii
Grows to a length of 3 feet and feeds on lizards, garden lizards and small birds.
12) Common Vine Snake / Ahaetulla nasuta
Maximum length 7 feet and feeds on small birds, eggs and hatchlings, figure on next page.
13) Brown Vine Snake / Ahaetulla pulverulenta
Grows upto 6 feet and feeds on small birds, mice and lizards.
14) Indian Egg-Eater / Elachistodon westermanni
Grows upto 3 feet and feeds on eggs of birds.

Classification of Venomous Snakes:
1)Banded Krait / Bungarus fasciatus
Grows to a length of 8 feet and feeds on rats and lizards
2) Common Krait / Bungarus caeruleus
Grows to a length 6 feet and feeds on snakes and other kraits.
3) Wall’s Sind Krait / Bungarus sindanus walli
Maximum length 5 feet and feeds on mice and geckos, figure on next page.
4) Slender Coral Snake / Calliophis melanurus
Grows to a length of 1 feet and feeds on worm snakes.
5) Striped Coral Snake / Calliophis nigrescens
Grows to 4 feet and  feeds on other snakes, figure on next page.
6) Monocellate Cobra, monocled cobra / Naja kaouthia
Maximum length 7 feet and feeds on fish, frogs and rats.
7) Spectacled Cobra, Indian Cobra / Naja naja
Grow to a length of 7 feet and feeds on toad, frogs, mice and other snakes, figure on next page.
8) King Cobra / Ophiophagus Hannah
Grows to a length of 16 feet and feeds on other snakes including king cobras.
9) Russell’s Viper / Daboia russelii
Grows to a length of 6 feet and feeds on rats and small mammals, figure on next page.
10) Saw-scaled Viper / Echis carinatus
Maximum length of 3 feet and feeds on scorpions, centipedes, geckos, frogs and small mice.
11) Hump-nosed Pit Viper/ Hypnale hypnale
Grows to 2 feet and feeds on geckos and lizards, figure on next page.
12) Malabar Pit Viper / Trimeresurus malabaricus
Grows to a length of 3 feet 5 inches and feeds on lizards, geckos, mice and fledgling birds.
14) Bamboo Pit Viper / Trimeresurus gramineus
Grows to a length of 4 feet and feeds on mice, small birds and lizards.

Classification of Venomous Sea Snakes :
1)Hook-nosed Sea Snake / Enhydrina schistose                                                                                                        
Grows to a length of 5 feet and feeds on fishes.
2) Many-toothed Sea Snake / Hydrophis caerulescens
Grows to a length of 4 feet and feeds on fishes.
3) Short Sea Snake / Lapemis curtus
Grows to 3 feet length and feeds on varieties of fishes, figure on next page.

Note : All the classification of snakes are according to the criterion of non-venomous, semi-venomous, venomous.

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